Sunday, August 3, 2008


Yeah, I haven't bloody posted in a while or said what's going on. Well, here's the post.

Personally, things have been slightly busy with re-election campaign for my friend. As many of you know, I'm the Campaign Manager. It's not a lot of the 'green stuff' but it does pay my rent. But, it's not the total reason that I haven't been posting. Mostly, I've become rather of a hermit. A bit melancholy and a bit of loneliness has kept me away from many people with the exception of my closest friends. Seeing other friends with their new boyfriends or talking about them doesn't help either.

So? What have I been doing? Reading. A lot! Mostly the manga that I buy and absorbing it and making myself get away in my mind.


Ok, many of you know that I have completed two short stories at the moment. "The Lady Slipper" and "The 123's of your ABC's" were two stories that were inspired by of all things; a nap. LOL! Yes, a nap. I woke up each time from taking a rest and had these stories fully play in my mind. Where they came from, well, I haven't a fucking clue. However, I am proud of both and hope that people are enjoying them thoroughly.


Well, I have a couple of photos that I'm going to share. I have an idea of what Justin looks like but I have two potential Ethan's. Mind you, both of them have short (very short) cropped hair as opposed to the locks that the character created for himself. You'll have to be the judge. BTW, new chapter posted. They will be meeting soon for their 'study session'. Wonder how that's going to go? Get your minds out of the gutter! LOL!

Ok, the pix:

Justin Ethan 1

Ethan 2


Ok, Ok... I've been getting a lot of flack about TOMORROW and FOUND. They are there and in my mind as well. FOUND is in a flux at the moment as to where they characters want to see themselves and where they want to lead the story. Do they want their story to be something that discusses a full year or do they just want to settle in and let you hope for their future? I'm waiting on them.

Now, TOMORROW.... big breath... I am in the process of writing it now (about 7 pages in). There are a lot of things that I want the characters to wrap up themselves and address from within their being. They have lessons (as we all do) that they want and need to learn. I will tell you that this part of their lives will be coming to a close. I know that some people will be upset about this but I (and neither do the characters) want a drawn out situation. Will they be back? Well, there is some discussion between two of them as to that... heh!


BULL RIDER - Well, where this one came from I haven't a damn clue either. Woke up a 5AM, courtesy of my female pug, who was cold and wanted covered up. I rolled over to the side of the bed and covered her up and went back to sleep. An hour later, I wake up with the first two chapters in my head. Chapter 2 is nearing completion. It's funny that I'm writing this story and, although I have worked/lived in and on a farm, I've never done 'Bull Riding'. I will say that I watch it on occasion but it had been about 3 months since the the last time I watched PBR on 'Verses' channel, LOL. Maybe it was just a subconscious thought placed their from watching that, GRIN! Either way, the characters are going to be a lot of fun.
Hope this post finds all well... I never know if anyone is really reading the damn thing but at least I'm making some sort of attempt to keep people updated.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enkoyed Bull Rider. You might guess that from all my cowboy themed stories.
