Ok, things are settling down with friends and family. I still have to get off my ass and start packing up stuff for the move in two months. Why so soon? Staging at my best friend's place where we'll move it all from there to wherever we rent for a year before he buys.
I think the stress of it all kept me sleeping a lot this past week. Mentally, it's completely draining.
Friends: I've 'reunited' with a couple of old friends recently. That's a good thing. I need to email one (old college roommate) and the other is a sweetie who thinks of me in a rather unique way; too bad he's not closer.
Getting up this morning (or any morning for that matter) is never an issue with making sure I hear an alarm clock or just getting up with two dogs. Especially a little black pug. Ella is nearing 6 this August and still spry. Like clockwork (and I mean you could set your clock by her!) she's up between 530 - 6AM telling me it's time to get up! "I NEED TO PEE!", LOL!
It's like a 'jack-in-the-box' on the side of the bed, 'POP'... scratch, scratch... little whine. "Is it time little girl or Is it time Princess?" Wagging tail and a kiss... If her Daddy (I refer to her real Dad since I have both Father and Daughter) aka 'Tucker' or 'Boo' is still in bed, I just say go get 'Boo' up and sure as anything she'll walk around the side of the bed and wake her old man up and jump on him telling him it's time to go outside.
Smart dog... smart dogs, I should say since they come in from the damp ground or rain and wipe their feet on the towel in the mud/utility room floor. A couple spins, I dry them off and into the house for their treat (carrot). Two of them and I don't know what I'd do without them. There my company and give me unprecedented and unconditional love. Well, as long as there are baby carrots in the damn fridge, ROFL.
Writing, ok... so here's where I am. I am writing. A few things. I'm working on chapters for stories there (TOMORROW, FOUND, VALENTINE) and a new 'vampiric' piece. No groans out there please. This is a lot of research and not your typical 'vampire bites man and he becomes gay; starts throwing his legs over shoulders or others of his' bit. This is something done by me that I would be proud to say I wrote. And 'NO', I'm not trying to ride the coat of that kid vampire story set in Washington State by the Mormon chick.
Is there sex in it? Hell ya! Please, I'm a gay writer. You write what you know. Do I hope that mainstream audiences will be reading it eventually? Yep.
In the meantime though, I'm posting 'DEATH COMES KNOCKING' over on the Tickie site: http://tickiestories.us/tjay_m.htm as it is on the Closettales site so that new readers can see and it keeps me up with posts while I'm working.
Speaking of the original site. I'm trying to work to be able to get in there and update properly. There's been a lot going on in the admin's life and getting in touch with him at times is 'problematical'.
Coffee in hand, I've been able to actually update this thing. I'm hoping that my readers actually do check here.
Now, second sites. Since TRH Yahoo went defunct due to 'YAHELL's' asinine bullshit, a new chat site was set up to allow for people to go, talk in real time, email, post pix, etc. It's a great site that I post to as well and you will see me on there too.
It's: http://www.closettaleschat.net/
That's all for now. Drop me a line...
Friday, April 17, 2009
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