Monday, January 7, 2008

Chapter 7 of Death edited, updates and such

Well, it took a bit because I've been sick but I got chapter 7 of 'Death Comes Knocking' edited and out to Bret for uploading.

I had to see my 'brilliant' Physician on Friday (he reads the Blog so I'd better say something nice about him.... Hee hee...). A shot and antibiotics. Now, "Nothing to see here. Move along please, move along..." It was/is pneumonia again (Read: Annoyed).

Well, recently I've become even more keenly aware how 'art imitates life' or is it 'vice versa'. I have a very good friend that has become recently engaged which is interesting because Wes just gave Taylor a ring Christmas Eve at the end of the last Chapter. Now my friend has stated that they will be registering at 'Le Tar'get' and the 'Homo Depot' where all good Gay men do their shopping (whether for home items and clothing at one or a big, handsome item walking the aisles for the home at the other).

Alas, I forgot to ask my friend if they'd also registered at the 'Crypt' as well. Please, not one of you roll your eyes at me! You know you've either visited or at least been curious. However, I don't think leather or rubber sheets would match the decor at his place. He does have this 'cobalt' blue fetish though. Maybe some penis shaped salt and pepper shakers like the ones a straight friend of mine, who is a Flight Attendent, brought me back from Amsterdam for my 40th (I'm serious here) in 'cobalt' blue? He could call them "Objets d'art!" Functionality and style; just not sure whether they should be the 'grinding' type or just plain 'shake'. Either way, grasping them to use would surely liven up a boring dinner conversation.

Maybe Wes and Taylor should find themselves registering somewhere? I do know that one other of our intrepid couples will be walking down the aisle soon. What? We all know about Miranda and Porter. Hmmmm.....

Ok, I left you at a sort of cliff hanger, if you will, here. A 'real' date is supposedly in the works between Ash and Mike. I've toyed in just glancing through it as opposed to giving a full account. I am sure, however, that Gavin would weasel the details out of Ash anyhow so I guess I better just give a firsthand account. There is the question as to where they will go and what will occur. Sex on the horizon? Like Ash says, "What kind of girl do you think I am?"

I am not really sure how these characters will carry through. Neither have 'talked' to me in a few weeks. Sometimes folks like to keep a low profile. We'll have to see.

Death is a completed work but with "LOTS" of editing. Thankfully, I have some help here. Other than little 'tweaks' here and there, nothing is really changing. I still have the next book in the series to write (although, in my head already).

Political Love
Well, I've had this written for a bit but seems a little apprapo considering the current political climate. The question is will I flesh it out. Let me know...

16 years ago seems like a long time. As I sit here smiling down at a picture the both of us with me holding him in my arms while he sat on my lap as he stretched in his suit from being tired; well, it had been a late night celebrating Bill’s win of the Presidency. We’d all worked hard on the campaign. Bill and Hillary stood over to the side watching it all unfold and smiling at all of us especially looking at me and Jase. Just earlier I’d been carrying him around piggy back as we celebrated and we’d tumbled onto the piano bench from laughing.

“You two hit the bed,” he said coming over with Hillary. We agreed. We were tired. I was 20 and he was just about to turn 19.

My young lover, a half foot shorter than me with crystal blue eyes and curly blond/brown hair, jumped up into my arms and grinned, “Yeah, take me to bed,” he said wiggling in my arms causing his parents to laugh and roll their eyes at the First Couple.

Here I sit remembering the events like it was yesterday.

Three years later, Bill arrived after an event and I’m sitting outside waiting for him. He stops to meet a few people before stepping up to me. “Morning Mr. President,” I said winking. “Everyone’s inside and ready to go. David is meeting with the others,” before sitting down crossed legged on the concrete edge that formed the base of the event center. “How are you doing?” he asked. I looked up at him and shrugged, “Numb seeing him. It’s been a while.” Bill clasped my shoulder, “I understand,” as he started walking inside. “Bill?” I asked with a bit of trepidation, “Does he love him? Do you think we’d have a chance if I told him how I felt?” Bill stopped and waived off the agents buzzing around him like so many flies around the sweets he liked me to make for him and wasn’t supposed to have, “I can’t answer that Trav. The only one who can is inside.” I nodded, “By the way, if you’re good I’ll sneak you a couple of pear tarts.” He grinned and rubbed his hands together like a little boy as he began to walk away. “Oh and Bill?” I said quickly causing him to stop and give a quizzical look, “find a better way to hide the cigars in your pocket before Hillary catches you?” He laughed and pulled them out of his pocket handing them to Jeff, “Right!”

“Does he still love me?” I sat there as the snow started to fall.

I've been perusing Netflix of late to find some more 'romantic Gay' movies. Damn sorry state isn't that? Sometimes, I've had to revert to Youtube to find a trailer (like I did for 'East Side Story') and as I was pulling up stuff I came across a favorite Daniel Radcliffe segment. For those who aren't aware; think Harry Potter. Now, since 'Danny Boy' has recently been seen nude doing 'Equus' (oh I'm sure you all have seen the nude shots, whether truly of him or not) seeing him in this small 'role' just makes it all the better.

1 comment:

Arno said...

Sorry to hear you had a 2nd round of pneumonia. You have to look after yourself! Nothing worse than being sick at home and unable to do anything. Well ok I CAN think of worse, could be sick at home all alone... Anyway I hope you get better soon!

Can't wait to get home to read the new chapter, hope 8 is close as well :P

What movie is that clip of Daniel from? I have to say that is a VERY different role than the old Harry Potter stuff. Guess he must be getting tired of it ^_^