Monday, May 12, 2008

Boys and their toys….

What is it with boys and their toys (GET YOUR MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER! SNORT! Well, it does bring the obvious to mind, LOL)?

I do know every man has their own type of toy or weakness. It doesn’t matter if you are straight or gay. With my Ex it was Star Wars toys, specifically the ‘Dark Side of the Force’. His boyfriend has a weakness for Matchbox cars and cars in general. The guy’s amazing in that he can tell you everything about a certain type of vehicle. For another friend of mine (gay), it’s power tools (hmmm, maybe he’s a reincarnated lesbian?)

What are mine? Fuck if I know? I like to cook but I don’t wet my shorts over getting the new cooking product catalogues. I like to write but I don’t go looking for the newest edition of ‘Writer’s Illustrated’. I do like comics. I used to have quite a collection till I sold a shitload of them before I moved and before the comic market took a dump in the late 90’s. I just bought a mag the other day called “Boy Meets Hero”. It’s an awesome comic! If you like Gay comics then I suggest you purchase a copy.

Ok, I’m a sucker for gay romance. Probably because I’m still f’ing single. I do have a few DVD’s of gay romantic movies and such. I also like comics that are a bit more risqué than romance. “WINK, WINK.. NUDGE, NUDGE… SAY NO MORE!” Patrick Fillion and Joe Phillips come to mind.

So, if anyone actually reads this blog; what are your toys? And let’s not go the way of the rubber or vinyl ones like Wes and Taylor used last chapter, SNICKER!

Now, the stories:

Tomorrow: My feelings are that ‘Tomorrow’ will be ending for a bit with graduation from high school for Wes and Taylor. I will not be giving too much of updates on the story because I wan it more of a surprise to the readers. Will it continue? Hard to say because I don’t want the story to become long, drawn out or tedious.

Death Comes Knocking: I’m in the middle of editing Chapters 13 and 14. I hope to have them to Bret within the next week.

Found: A quickie? A romantic evening? Erotic nervousness? What will happen between our two men? Is happiness truly able to be ‘Found’?


I have just completed Chapter 1 of my new story that I’ve been working on slowly for a few months now getting the bearings and the idea of what the characters want within their own selves.

I am pleased to announce the story, ‘Love Is Blind’.

Our ‘heros’:

Justin Chang and Ethan Wills

Justin is from San Francisco and Ethan is from Portland, Oregon. They are sophomores as SSU (fictional college) located in San Diego. It should be an interesting run.
