Friday, April 11, 2008

Secret Obsessions

"You've discovered my secret"

Everyone has secret obsessions... a man, a woman (be it the same sex or opposite), chocolate, cars or that cute little animal at the zoo. Maybe it's that yen for Hagen Daas at 2AM when you should be on a diet?

Can these obsessions lead us down the path of evil? Hell yeah! They can also lead us down good paths with little bits of evil thrown in as well.

As my life changes and I begin to see things from a different level (that's age talking sweeties!), I see that things are not always black and white but with large shades of gray (with a bit of pink thrown in for good measure).

What about you? How do you see life? What are your secret obsessions?

One of mine? I love to write as well as cook. Hence the reason for this blog and my stories. It gives me a way of making my bit of lovelife need to be fulfilled.

Now to the stories...

TOMORROW: Check out the subtle things going on with the characters. Do they tell you anything?

DEATH: We are now on our way to BC... What lies ahead?

FOUND: Well, you'll just fucking have to wait for this one, LOL..

Best to you all
